Title: Neuropsychiatric Disease Classification Using Functional Connectomics – Results of the Connectomics in NeuroImaging Transfer Learning Challenge
Authors: M.D. Schirmer, A. Venkataraman, I. Rekik, M. Kim, S. Mostofsky, M.B. Nebel, K. Rosch, K. Seymour, D. Crocetti, H. Irzan, M. Hutel, S. Ourselin, N. Marlow, A. Melbourne, E. Levchenko, S. Zhou, M. Kunda, H. Lu, N.C. Dvornek, J. Zhuang, G. Pinto, S. Samal, J.L. Bernal-Rusiel, R. Pienaar, A. Wern Chung