Group Awards


Dr Hanxun Yao’s article in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics (JFM) Rapids received Honorable Mention in the 2023 JFM Emerging Scholar Best Paper Prize:
Yao, H., Zaki, T. A., & Meneveau, C. (2023). Entropy and fluctuation relations in isotropic turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 973, R6. doi:

Dr Sugan Velazhagan received an “Honorable Mention” in the Best Thesis Commendations of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) in physics. His thesis is titled “Implications of inviscid hydrodynamics and its variants for turbulence and statistical physics”.

Varun Vaidyanathan was awarded the Corrsin Graduate Fellowship.  This fellowship is named in memory of Stanley Corrsin, a distinguished former Johns Hopkins professor who made groundbreaking contributions to fluid mechanics and shaped a unique legacy of scholars, former students, postdocs, and collaborators.


Curtis Haas was awarded the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) fellowship, which he accepted.    He was also awarded the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF-GRFP), which he declined in favor of the NDSEG.

Martin Beshara was awarded the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF-GRFP).


Professor Zaki was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society by the Division of Fluid Dynamics for his “fundamental contributions to linear and non-linear theories of bypass transition, novel applications of data science to fluid mechanics, and innovative numerical simulations of Newtonian and non-Newtonian flows with practical applications.”

Curtis Haas was awarded the inaugural Corrsin Graduate Fellowship.  This fellowship is named in memory of Stanley Corrsin, a distinguished former Johns Hopkins professor who made groundbreaking contributions to fluid mechanics and shaped a unique legacy of scholars, former students, postdocs, and collaborators.

Cristale Garnica was awarded the Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU-APL) Fellowship in Mechanical Engineering.

Brett Tillman was promoted to the rank of Major in the United States Air Force.


Qi Wang was appointed as an Assistant Professor at San Diego State University.

Cristale Garnica was awarded the JHU Distinguished Doctoral Fellowship in Mechanical Engineering.


Brett Tillman received the Developing the Airmen We Need (DAWN) Fellowship.

Quinn Mitchell received the National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship.


Mengze Wang received the Andrea Prosperetti Travel Award to participate in the 70th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, to be held November 19 – 21, 2017. The award recognizes the top two 1st-year PhD students in fluid mechanics at Johns Hopkins University.

Professor Zaki received the William H. Huggins Excellence in Teaching Award for outstanding teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Professor Zaki was awarded the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science visiting fellowship.


Professor Zaki received the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award (2016).
The award will support the group’s activity on “Augmentation and Integration of Measurements and Simulation Data in Heterogeneous Environments”

Professor Zaki was awarded the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science visiting fellowship.  


Dr Seo Yoon Jung article was selected to feature on the of Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2015).

Jung, S.Y. & Zaki, T. A. 2015 The effect of a low-viscosity near-wall film on bypass transition in boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech. 772, 330-360.

Jacob Page was selected as a finalist for the da Vinci Competition (2015). The award celebrates the best EU-wide PhD contribution to fluid mechanics.

Jacob Page was awarded the First Prize in the Osborne Reynolds Student Competition (2015). The award recognises the best UK-wide PhD research in the field of fluid dynamics.


Dr Laura Nicolaou was awarded the Second Prize in the Pat Burnell New Investigator Award at the Drug Delivery to the Lungs conference (DDL25, 2014).

Dr Laura Nicolaou was awarded The Margaret Fishenden Best Thesis During 2008 – 2013.

Dr Luca Biancofiore was awarded the Imperial College Junior Research Fellowship (2015 – 2018).


Professor Zaki was awarded the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science visiting fellowship.  

Professor Zaki was awarded the President and Rector’s Award for Excellence in Teaching from Imperial College, London.

Dr Philipp Hack was awarded a Doctoral Fellowship Prize (2013).

Dr Luca Biancofiore was awarded The Göran Gustafsson Fellowship (2013).

Dr Laura Nicolaou was awarded the Imperial College Junior Research Fellowship (2014 – 2017).

Dr Edward Smith was awarded a Doctoral Fellowship Prize (2013)

Jiho You was awarded The Kwanjeong Educational Foundation Fellowship (2013).


Dr Laura Nicolaou was awarded the Doctoral Fellowship Prize (2012)

Dr Edward Smith was awarded the Second Prizein the Osborne Reynolds Student Competition (2012). The award recognises the best UK-wide PhD research in the field of fluid dynamics.

Thomas Jelly received The Timothy Bruce Nickels prize in Fluid Mechanics (2012).  The prize is awarded by the UK Turbulence Consortium to recognize the best Student Presentation at its annual meeting.