Corrsin Graduate Fellowship

The Corrsin Graduate Fellowship in Fluid Dynamics

This Graduate Fellowship is named in memory of Stanley Corrsin, a distinguished former Johns Hopkins professor who made groundbreaking contributions to fluid mechanics and shaped a unique legacy of scholars, former students, postdocs, and collaborators. Their lasting admiration and appreciation has led to the establishment of the Corrsin Graduate Fellowship in Fluid Dynamics.


Corrsin Fellowship Nomination Details

Nominations of newly admitted Whiting School PhD students are made by CEAFM faculty. The nomination (maximum 1 per CEAFM faculty member) should be emailed to Barbara Adamson by the yearly early Spring deadline. A nomination consists of the graduate applicant’s full application and a paragraph written by the nominator that should briefly explain the promise of the student and general area of expected research, and how these fit within the various fluid dynamics and CEAFM themes. For questions regarding deadlines, eligibility, and any other issues, please consult Barbara Adamson.

Corrsin Fellows:

2024:  Varun Vaidyanathan.

2023:  Alexandra “Lexi” Risha.

2022:  Curtis Haas.

Center for Environmental and Applied Fluid Mechanics