
Daniel B. Araya, Applied Physics Laboratory
Alan Brandt, Applied Physics Laboratory
Gregory Eyink, Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Dennice Gayme, Mechanical Engineering
Anand Gnanadesikan, Earth and Planetary Sciences
Thomas Haine(b), Earth and Planetary Sciences
Ciaran Harman, Environmental Health and Engineering
Joseph Katz(a), Mechanical Engineering
Charles Meneveau(c), Mechanical Engineering
Rajat Mittal, Mechanical Engineering
Rui Ni, Mechanical Engineering
Matthew Paoletti, Applied Physics Laboratory
Andrea Prosperetti, Mechanical Engineering
Sabine Stanley, Earth and Planetary Sciences
John Thomas, Applied Physics Laboratory
Gretar Tryggvason, Mechanical Engineering
Darryn Waugh, Earth and Planetary Sciences
Louis Whitcomb, Mechanical Engineering
Scott Wunsch, Applied Physics Laboratory
Ben Zaitchik, Earth and Planetary Sciences
Tamer Zaki, Mechanical Engineering

(a) CEAFM Director
(b) CEAFM Deputy Director
(c) CEAFM Seminar Organizer/Coordinator

Center for Environmental and Applied Fluid Mechanics