Seminar Series: Fall 2021

September 3, 2021
Prof. Metin Muradoğlu (Koç University)
“Interface-Resolved DNS of Multiphase Flows of Complex Fluids”

September 10, 2021
Dr. Tim Berk (Johns Hopkins University – MechE)
“Dynamics of Small Heavy Particles in High-Reynolds-Number Turbulence”

September 17, 2021
Prof. Sunghwan (Sunny) Jung (Cornell University)
“Drinking and Diving”

September 24, 2021
Dr. Laurette Tuckerman (CNRS – Paris)
“Turbulent-Laminar Patterns”

October 1, 2021
Prof. Nimish Pujara(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
“Shape-Dependent Particle Transport and Rotations in Wavy and Turbulent Flows”

October 8, 2021
Prof. Adrian Lozano-Duran (MIT)
“A Model for External Aerodynamics Based on Building-Block Flows

October 15, 2021
(No Seminar)

October 22, 2021
Dr. Grant Deane (Scripps Institution of Oceanography – UCSD)
“The Understanding Surprising Role of Ocean Bubbles in Weather and Climate: From Computer Simulations to Ocean Simulators”

October 29, 2021
Prof. Edwin (Todd) Cowen, III (Cornell University)
“An Infrared Quantitative Imaging Technique (IR-QIV) for Remote Sensing of Surface Water Flows”

November 5, 2021
Prof. Lian Duan (Ohio State University)
“Predictive Unsteady Simulations of High-Speed Turbulent Flows”

November 12, 2021 (In-Person) 
Prof. Xiang Yang (Penn State – College of Engineering)
“Towards the Best Practice for Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulation”

November 19, 2021 (In-Person)
Prof. Karen Mulleners (EFPL – Lausanne)
“All You Need is Time to Understand and Predict Dynamic Stall”

November 22-26, 2021
FALL BREAK (No Seminar)

December 3, 2021
(No Seminar)

Center for Environmental and Applied Fluid Mechanics