September 13, 2002
Dr. Colm P. Caulfield (University of California, San Diego)
“Bounds on mixing in stratified shear flows”
September 20, 2002
(No Seminar)
September 27, 2002
Dr. Alan Kerstein (SANDIA National Laboratory, Livermore)
“A one-dimensional stochastic model of multi-scale dynamics in turbulent flows”
October 4, 2002
Dr. Joachim Saur (Johns Hopkins University)
“Weak magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the magnetosphere of Jupiter”
October 11, 2002
Dr. Samar Khatiwala (Columbia University)
“Generation of internal tides in a fluid of finite depth: Analytical and numerical calculations”
October 18, 2002
Dr. Richard Scott (Columbia University)
“The influence of polar vortex edge thickness on Rossby Wave breaking”
October 25, 2002
Dr. David Adalstainsson (University of North Carolina)
“Evolving scalars on curves and surfaces”
November 1, 2002
Donald Thompson (Johns Hopkins University)
“Properties of the ocean surface from reflected GPS signals”
November 8, 2002
Dr. J. Andrzej Domaradski (University of Southern California, Los Angeles)
“Numerical simulation of rotating and stratified turbulent flows using truncated Navier-Stokes dynamics”
November 15, 2002
Dr. Shaffer Smith (CAOS, New York University)
“Eddy potential vorticity flux structure in the strongly and weakly unstable limits”
November 22, 2002
Dr. Philippe Blanc-Benon (Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France)
“Modeling of sound propagation through moving media using a ‘vector’ parabolic approximation”
December 6, 2002
Dr. Robert Dalrymple (Johns Hopkins University)
“Smoothed particle hydrodynamics: Methodology and Applications”