Nadejda ‘Nadia’ Drenska, a postdoctoral fellow, recently took the initiative to gather faculty, staff, PhD students, and postdoctoral fellows from the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics in an outing to Oriole Park at Camden Yards, home of the major league baseball team, the Baltimore Orioles. “I felt like the event would be a fantastic opportunity for people from various positions to interact with each other and celebrate the end of the semester,” said Nadejda. The group attended the Orioles vs. Red Sox game on April 29th, the last day of classes for the 2022 spring semester.
Ioannis Kevrekidis, a professor within the department, commented, “I am so glad to now finally say (as a naturalized American parent) that I have taken my kids to a ball game! I went to the game with my son George, who is a graduate student in the department, and my 12-year-old daughter Domna. I only wish the team had won!”
With such a good turnout, Nadia hopes to plan another outing next year and encourage more departmental participation.