Core financial mathematics requirements (2 courses)

Course # Course Name Semester Typically Offered
EN.553.644 Introduction to Financial Derivatives Fall
EN.553.645 Interest Rate and Credit Derivatives Spring

Core applied mathematics requirements (3 courses)

Course # Course Name Semester Typically Offered
EN.553.613 or EN.553.636 Applied Statistics and Data Analysis
Introduction to Data Science
EN.553.627 Stochastic Processes and Applications to Finance Fall
EN.553.639 Time Series Analysis Spring

Electives (7 courses)

Of the electives –

  • One elective must be in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
  • Two electives must be in Financial Mathematics
  • Four additional electives should be from the approved electives listing and can be Financial Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics or Free Electives.

Selection of electives must be done with advisor and Program Director approval. Students are required to take a minimum of 2 Financial Mathematics electives and 1 Applied Mathematics and Statistics Elective. Students can then chose the remaining 4 required electives from the list of approved electives. If a student wishes to have a course considered that is not on the approved elective lists they must submit the course details to their Faculty Advisor or the Academic Program Coordinator for Program Committee review.

Students can choose any of the courses listed below.  Alternatively, they can choose to tailor their selection of electives based on one of the following concentrations:

  • Asset Management
  • Derivatives
  • Fixed Income and Commodities
  • Risk Management
  • Quantitative, Algorithmic, High-Frequency Trading


In addition to required degree-related courses and electives, ALL financial mathematics students are required to complete the following courses/training:

  • EN.553.847 Financial Mathematics Masters Seminar, each semester
  • EN.553.803 Computing requirement (Financial Computing Workshop) – offered during Intersession
  • Communication skills requirement (Communication Skills Practicum, which includes Fall/Spring courses)
  • Internship (typically done during summer after first year in residence)
  • Every student must complete training on the Responsible Conduct of Research
  • Every student must complete the University Orientation and Academic Ethics course
  • Orientation (REQUIRED ATTENDANCE for fall starters) – typically held the 2 weeks prior to the start of classes


>>>Approved Courses