Note that courses offered by schools other than EN (Engineering) or Arts & Sciences (AS) must be registered for using the Registrar’s Interdivisional Registration form (IDR).  This includes courses offered by Carey (BU), or Engineering for Professionals (EP).  This form will require your advisor’s signature.  The signed form must then be submitted to SEAM.

Core financial mathematics requirements (2 courses)

Course # Course Name Semester Typically Offered
EN.553.644 Introduction to Financial Derivatives Fall
EN.553.645 Interest Rate and Credit Derivatives Spring

Core applied mathematics requirements (3 courses)

Course # Course Name Semester Typically Offered
EN.553.613 or EN.553.636 Applied Statistics and Data Analysis
Introduction to Data Science
EN.553.627 Stochastic Processes and Applications to Finance Fall
EN.553.639 Time Series Analysis Spring

Electives (7 courses)

Of the electives –

  • One elective must be in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
  • Two electives must be in Financial Mathematics
  • Four additional electives should be from the approved electives listing and can be Financial Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics or Free Electives.

Selection of electives must be done with advisor and Program Director approval. Students are required to take a minimum of 2 Financial Mathematics electives and 1 Applied Mathematics and Statistics Elective. Students can then chose the remaining 4 required electives from the list of approved electives. If a student wishes to have a course considered that is not on the approved elective lists they must submit the course details to their Faculty Advisor or the Academic Program Coordinator for Program Committee review.

Students can choose any of the courses listed below.  Alternatively, they can choose to tailor their selection of electives based on one of the following concentrations:

  • Asset Management
  • Derivatives
  • Fixed Income and Commodities
  • Risk Management
  • Quantitative, Algorithmic, High-Frequency Trading


Approved Financial Mathematics Electives (at least 2 courses)

Course # Course Name Semester Typically Offered Concentration
AS.110.416 Honors Analysis II
AS.180.636 Statistical Inference
EN.553.601 Introduction to Research Spring
EN.553.640 Machine Learning in Finance Spring
EN.553.641 Equity Markets and Quantitative Trading Spring
  • Asset Management
  • Quantitative, Algorithmic, High-Frequency Trading
EN.553.642 Investment Science Fall
  • Asset Management
  • Fixed Income and Commodities
EN.553.646 Risk Measurement/Management in Financial Markets Fall
  • Risk Management
  • Asset Management
  • Fixed Income and Commodities
EN.553.647 Quantitative Portfolio Theory and Performance Analysis Spring
  • Risk Management
  • Asset Management
EN.553.648 Financial Engineering and Structured Products Spring
  • Derivatives
  • Fixed Income and Commodities
EN.553.649 Advanced Equity Derivatives Fall
  • Risk Management
  • Derivatives
EN.553.688 Computing for Applied Mathematics Spring
  • Asset Management
  • Derivatives
EN.553.748 Credit and Systemic Risk
EN.553.749 Advanced Financial Theory Fall
  • Asset Management
  • Derivatives
EN.553.753 Three Key Aspects of Climate Change: Energy Transition, Critical Metals, and Sustainable Agriculture (formerly titled Commodities & Commodity Markets) Spring
  • Derivatives
  • Fixed Income and Commodities
EN.660.614 Financial Statement Analysis Spring


Approved Applied Mathematics Electives (at least 1 course)

Course # Course Name Semester Typically Offered Concentration
AS.110.405 Real Analysis I Fall/Spring
AS.110.605 Real Variables Fall
AS.110.653 Stochastic Differential Equations:  An Introduction With Applications Fall
EN.520.650 Machine Intelligence Spring
EN.553.600 Mathematical Modeling and Consulting Fall
EN.553.602 Research and Design in Applied Mathematics: Data Mining Spring
EN.553.614 Applied Statistics and Data Analysis II Spring
EN.553.628 Stochastic Processes and Applications to Finance II Spring
  • Derivatives
  • Fixed Income and Commodities
EN.553.630 Introduction to Statistics Spring
EN.553.632 Bayesian Statistics (students make take 553.632 or 553.732, but not both) Fall
  • Quantitative, Algorithmic, High-Frequency Trading
EN.553.633 Monte Carlo Methods Fall
  • Risk Management
  • Derivatives
EN.553.636 Introduction to Data Science Spring
  • Quantitative, Algorithmic, High-Frequency Trading
EN.553.640 Machine Learning in Finance Spring
EN.553.653 Mathematical Game Theory Spring
EN.553.661 Optimization in Finance Fall
  • Asset Management
  • Quantitative, Algorithmic, High-Frequency Trading
EN.553.665 Introduction to Convexity Fall
EN.553.667 Deep Learning in Discrete Optimization Spring
EN.553.680 Numerical Linear Algebra Fall
EN.553.681 Numerical Analysis Spring
EN.553.688 Computing for Applied Mathematics Spring
EN.553.693 Mathematical Image Analysis Spring
EN.553.720 Probability Theory I (measure-theoretic) Fall
EN.553.721 Probability Theory II (measure-theoretic) Spring
EN.553.722 Introduction to Stochastic Calculus Fall
EN.553.723 Markov Chains Spring
EN.553.724 Probabilistic Machine Learning Spring
EN.553.730 Statistical Theory I Fall
  • Quantitative, Algorithmic, High-Frequency Trading
EN.553.731 Statistical Theory II Spring
EN.553.732 Bayesian Statistics (students make take 553.632 or 553.732, but not both) Fall
EN.553.739 Statistical Pattern Recognition: Theory and Methods Spring
EN.553.740 Machine Learning Fall
  • Quantitative, Algorithmic, High-Frequency Trading
EN.553.761 Foundations of Optimization/Nonlinear Optimization I Fall
EN.553.762 Optimization Algorithms/Nonlinear Optimization II Spring
EN.553.763 Stochastic Search and Optimization Spring
EN.553.764 Modeling, Simulation and Monte Carlo Spring
EN.553.766 Combinatorial Optimization Spring
EN.553.792 Matrix Analysis Fall
EN.601.675 Machine Learning Fall/Spring
EN.601.682 Machine Learning: Deep Learning Fall/Spring
EN.660.614 Financial Statement Analysis Spring


Approved Free Electives

Course # Course Name Semester Typically Offered
AS.180.601 Microeconomic Theory I Fall
AS.180.602 Microeconomic Theory II Spring
AS.180.603 Macroeconomic Theory I Fall
AS.180.604 Macroeconomic Theory II Spring
AS.180.607 Applied Microeconomics Fall
AS.180.611 Economics of Uncertainty/Economics of Information I Spring
AS.180.612 Economics of Uncertainty/Economics of Information II Spring
AS.180.633 Econometrics Spring
AS.180.641 International Finance and Trade Fall/Spring
AS.180.647 Topics in Economic Theory and Finance Fall
AS.180.690 Advanced Econometrics Fall/Spring
BU.756.715 Financial Risk Management Fall/Spring
BU.756.720 Fixed Income Securities Spring
EN.520.651 Foundations of Probabilistic Machine Learning Fall
EN.530.641 Statistical Learning for Engineers Fall
EN.553.602 Research and Design in Applied Mathematics: Data Mining Spring
EN.553.643 Energy Markets and Risk Management Fall
EN.570.470 Applied Economics and Finance Fall/Spring
EN.570.487 Financial Market Research Fall
EN.570.493 Economic Foundations for Environmental Engineering and Policy Design Fall
EN.570.607 Energy Policy and Planning Models Spring
EN.601.615 Databases Fall
EN.601.621 Object Oriented Software Engineering Fall/Spring
EN.601.633 Intro Algorithms Fall/Spring
EN.601.644 Network Security Fall

The Area of Focus Track can also be customized with advisor permission.




The program is designed to be completed by students in three semesters. It will begin with a late-summer orientation session and proceed through three successive semesters, utilizing the winter intersession of the first year and the summer prior to the last semester, for an internship with industry.  Students can opt to complete their degree requirements by following two various tracks.

All students choosing this track must take the following:

Core financial mathematics requirements (4 courses, 553.64X)

  • EN.553.642 Investment Science
  • EN.553.644 Introduction to Financial Derivatives
  • EN.553.645 Interest Rate and Credit Derivatives
  • EN.553.648 Financial Engineering and Structured Products or EN.553.646
  • Risk Measurement/Management in Financial Markets
  • Core applied mathematics requirements (5 courses, excludes 553.64X)
  • EN.553.627 Stochastic Processes and Applications to Finance
  • EN.553.633 Monte Carlo Methods
  • EN.553.613 Applied Statistics and Data Analysis
  • EN.553.639 Time Series Analysis
  • EN.553.661 Optimization in Finance

Electives (3 courses)

Of the electives –

  • One course in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
  • One course in Financial Mathematics
  • One additional course with prior program approval

Other Required Courses/Training:

  • EN.553.847 Financial Mathematics Masters Seminar
  • EN.553.803 Computing requirement (Financial Computing Workshop)
  • Communication skills requirement (Communication Skills Practicum, which includes Fall/Spring courses)
  • Internship (typically done during summer after first year in residence)
  • Every student must complete training on the Responsible Conduct of Research.
  • Every student must complete the University Orientation and Academic Ethics course.


Prior to Fall Semester of Year I (2 weeks)

  • Orientation Program

Fall Semester of Year I

  • EN.553.627 Stochastic Processes and Applications to Finance
  • EN.553.633 Monte Carlo Methods
  • EN.553.642 Investment Science
  • EN.553.644 Introduction to Financial Derivatives
  • EN.553.847 Financial Mathematics Masters Seminar

Winter Intersession (2 weeks)

  • Financial Computing Workshop

Spring Semester of Year I

  • EN.553.639 Time Series Analysis
  • EN.553.645 Interest Rate and Credit Derivatives
  • EN.553.648 Financial Engineering and Structured Products (**optional, see below)
  • Elective 1
  • EN.553.847 Financial Mathematics Masters Seminar

Summer after Year I

  • Internship

Fall Semester of Year II

  • EN.553.613 Applied Statistics and Data Analysis
  • EN.553.646 Risk Measurement/Management in Financial Markets (**optional if EN.553.648 was already taken, see below)
  • EN.553.661 Optimization in Finance
  • Elective 2
  • Elective 3
  • EN.553.847 Financial Mathematics Masters Seminar

**Students must take either EN.553.646 or EN.553.648 to fulfill their core requirements. If both courses are taken, one of them can count as a Financial Mathematics Elective.

The internship is typically completed during the summer following the first academic year, but it is also possible for a student to complete it during a fall or spring semester when they are on leave of absence in the program. In any case, it must be completed before the student’s final semester of coursework. Note that in the special circumstance of students who start their program in the U.S. in the spring semester and plan to graduate after three semesters, those students would need to complete their internship in the summer following their spring arrival.

Additional information regarding the process and regulations governing CPT for international students can be found here:

Your request for CPT will be forwarded to your ADVISOR for approval.  If you do not hear back from your advisor within 5 days, please contact OIS and request that they redirect your CPT request to the Department Head for approval.  It may be that your advisor is out of town and unable to respond to emails.  OIS will not prioritize “urgent” requests for CPT.  Your request will be processed in the order in which it is received.

You may want to email your advisor to give him/her a heads up that the request will be coming after you complete the required process through OIS.

Internships Q&A

What if my offer letter indicates I am an “independent contractor”?

Answer:  CPT is specifically designed for students who are obtaining training.  Independent contractor positions do not qualify for Curricular Practical Training.  Students must provide documentation confirming that they will be under direct supervision of someone who is providing them with training and therefore, not acting on their own.


Question:  If my internship is unpaid, do I still need to file for CPT?

AnswerYES!  CPT permission should be considered for all practical, curriculum related experiences off campus, paid or unpaid. Receipt of any benefits, whether monetary or in kind, could be considered employment by immigration, even if the internship is unpaid.  OIS strongly encourages all foreign nationals to file for CPT so that they are not in danger of breaking any U.S. labor laws which may jeopardize their visa status.


Question:  I have been unable to register for 500.851.  What should I do?

Answer:  The Registrar suggests that you submit your request to register for 500.851 directly to SEAM along with a copy of your internship letter.  Apparently they now require the internship offer letter before approving registration for this course.

Required Intersession courses are held in January for 2 weeks prior to the start of the Spring semester. Information regarding registration for Intersession will be emailed to enrolled students.

The Financial Computing Workshop (EN.553.803) is held during Intersession.  All FM students are required to successfully complete this course.

An overall GPA of 3.0 must be maintained in courses used to meet the program requirements. At most two course grades of C or C+ are allowed to be used, and the rest of the course grades must be B- or better.

A full-time master’s student who fails, in a given semester, to receive a grade of B- or better in at least two courses in their master’s program (not counting the department seminar) will be placed on Academic Probation. For a full-time master’s student on Academic Probation, failure to pass at least two courses with a B- or better in their master’s program (not counting the department seminar) is grounds for dismissal. Also, in any given semester, whether or not a student is on Academic Probation, they may be dismissed if they fail to receive any grades of B- or better in their master’s program (not counting the department seminar).