Updates for LINDT projects to be posted throughout upcoming academic year

Be sure to check this page throughout the upcoming academic year as we will be providing regular updates and pictures on how each LINDT project is progressing. Below is an example of an update from this past March, which can also be read here.

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering’s Leading Innovation Design Teams (LINDT) have been working hard this semester, and are starting to reach their set milestones. Two different groups – Amazon Here We Come and IR Eye Therapy – have recently had major breakthroughs in their projects.

Amazon Here We Come – comprised of team members Filip Aronshtein, Darshini Balamarugan, Chang Hwan Choi, Dimitri Herr, and Christian Seremetis, and sponsored by Baltimore-based company Barcoding,Inc. – is looking to find a cost effective, reliable, and drone-based method to help warehouses find their desired packages, rather than having employees scan aisles for them.

Recently, the group demonstrated full reader control and operation on a flying drone, as well as making progress toward finalizing an indoor localization solution. Below, the group is pictured with Barcoding, Inc’s CEO Jay Steinmetz.

IR Eye Therapy – made up of team members Thomas DiSorbo, Andrew Efimov, Jeff Kim and Bidyut Mani – is looking to develop a working low-level light therapy (LLLT) device that will serve as a treatment option for Retinitis Pigmentosa, a rare genetic disorder leading to cellular apoptosis, or photoreceptor “suicide,” in the retina of the eye.

The group is aiming to have its final LLLT device function with three different features; control device, eye tracking mechanism for the safeguard of the cornea and overall mechanical design including housing of the laser, control, head placement, and microscope for doctors. IR Therapy – which is pictured below and sponsored by the Whiting School of Engineering, as well as The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine – recently finalized a sufficient laboratory setup for analyzing laser effect on animal eyes, and completed primary experiments on a bovine model.