Welcome to the research group for Dr. Kalina Hristova, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University!
The main focus of the research in Kalina Hristova’s laboratory is the structure and assembly of biological membranes. We study the thermodynamic and structural principles that underlie membrane protein folding and signal transduction across biological membranes.
We have been developing new tools to study the energetics of biomolecular interactions in biological membranes and the structure of thermally-disordered fluid membranes.
Our research has yielded new information pertaining to the physical principles behind complex biological processes and the mechanisms of pathogenesis in humans. We invite you to explore our current projects for a better understanding of the work we are performing.
Hristova Lab participated in the green lab certification to develop a sustainability mindset and change behavior for a sustainable lab.
Our lab achieved a silver level with 52% of lab practices!