June 2, 2022 Our paper on road segmentation using graph CNNs was selected as the finalist for the 2022 ICRA Outstanding Automation Paper! Congratulations to Chaminda and Jose!!
July 18, 2022 Four papers accepted at ECCV 2022!! Congratulations to Rajeev, Pengfei, Kangfu, and Vishwa!!
March 1, 2023 Eight papers accepted at CVPR 2023!! Congratulations to Yu, Yiqun, Chaminda, Nithin, Jose, Vibashan, Shao-Yuan, Aiman, He and Poojan!!
November 1, 2023 Five papers accepted at WACV 2024!! Congratulations to Kangfu, Deepti, Rajeev, Jose, Nithin, Maitreya, and Vishwa!