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Arlene, Eric, Christianna, Yida and Changfeng’s ACS Energy Letters paper is published!
View the paper online here.
Arlene presents at the 47th IEEE PVSC Virtual Meeting
Congratulations to Christianna, Eric, Tina, Subha, and Keyi for presenting at the Virtual ECE Design Day!
Christianna, Eric: Engineering New Hole Extraction Materials for Colloidal Quantum Dot Solar Cells
Keyi, Subha: Engineering the ZnO Layer in Colloidal Quantum Dot Solar Cells to Improve Efficiency and Yield
Tina: Interface Engineering of Aluminum-Titanium Dioxide Nanomaterials for Plasmonic Photocatalysis
Eric presented at the JHU Sustainability Leadership Council Annual Symposium
Congratulations to Christianna for winning the William N. Sharpe Jr. Award for Student Involvement!
The William N. Sharpe Jr. Award for Student Involvement recognizes significant leadership or achievement by mechanical engineering students in extracurricular activities. Professor William N. Sharpe Jr. initiated this award after receiving the Ralph Coats Roe Award of the American Society for Engineering Education in 2007. From 1983 to 1988, Professor Sharpe served as the founding chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering after the formation of the Whiting School of Engineering, and he was chair again from 1991 to 1997. Congratulations to Christianna!
Congratulations to Tina for winning the 2020 Muly Family Undergraduate Research Award!
This award supports undergraduate student research and is given annually to an exceptional undergraduate student conducting research in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. It was established by Emil Muly ’56 and Faye Muly in honor of their family, which includes several generations of Johns Hopkins alumni. Congratulations to Tina!
Congratulations to Dr. Yan Cheng for successfully defending her PhD thesis!
Yan, Tina and Ebuka’s ACS Photonics paper is published
View the paper online here.
Yida and Tina’s Advanced Materials paper is published
View the paper online here.