Mean flow
Spatial variation of mean flow near the wall.
- Flows follow the meandering path in the interstices.
- The lowest U occurs above the forward crestline, maximum U occurs above the center of side ridges.
- Maximum W occurs above the center of forward face.
Turbulence Statistics
Spatial variation of Reynolds stresses.
- Substantial spatial variation of Reynolds stresses occurs within 2k.
- <u’u’> shows the shooting-up pattern across the entire roughness wavelength.
- The shooting-up pattern for -<u’v’> and <v’v’> is localized at the forward face of the roughness.
TKE production
- Maximal production occurs above the forward face of pyramid.
- The spatial variation is dictated by the
TKE budget terms
- Dissipation is 50% of the true dissipation due to limited out-of-plane resolution.
- Both production and dissipation very near the wall.
- In the outer-layer, the dissipation is higher than the production.
- Transport term is only substantial below ~ 2k.
Spatial TKE spectra
TKE energy spectra
- Growing contribution of large scale turbulence with increasing distance from the wall.
- Spectra flatten indicating excessive energy in k-3k range.
- The same trend observed in the ocean boundary layer measurements. (Hackett et al. JGR, 2010)
- Spectra bump appears distinct peaks in compensated spectra.
- Low wavenumber spectral peaks appear in the outer-layer.
Sample of Instantaneous realizations
- Large scale shear layer marked by CW vortices can be observed across the entire domain.
- Near-wall vortices appear to be lifted by the large scale structure in the outer-layer.
Conditional averaging
- Large scale shear layer marked by CW vortices can be observed across the entire domain.
- Near-wall vortices appear to be lifted by the large scale structure in the outer-layer.