Category Archives: News & Events

Shannon gave a technical talk for IEEE Photonics Society’s Women in Photonics program

The Baltimore IEEE Photonics Society Chapter hosted an evening of technical presentations from early-career women in photonics. Consistent with the IEEE Women in Engineering’s mission of facilitating the global recruitment and retention of women in engineering and STEM, the goal of the IEEE Photonics Society’s Women in Photonics program is to create and promote activities that support the participation, engagement and advancement of women in the photonics and optics community.
Speakers Include Shannon Alt, PhD student at Johns Hopkins University, Integrated Photonics Lab.

4 papers from our group are accepted for oral presentation at CLEO 2105

Hongcheng will present two talks on “Coherent Mid-IR Supercontinuum Generation in a Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Waveguide” and “Pump-Degenerate Phase-Sensitive Amplification in Amorphous Si Waveguides”.

Michael will present a talk on “End-Fire Silicon Waveguide Array as a Platform for High Power Beam Shaping and Steering”.

Kangmei will present a talk on “A High Speed All-Optical NAND Logic Gate Using Four-Wave Mixing”.


Ke-Yao won 1st prize in the SPIE Student Poster Competition in Optics and Photonics.

The National Capital Section and the IEEE Photonics Society jointly sponsored a poster competition at the University of Maryland. Winners of the poster competition were invited to exhibit their posters at the May meeting. Winners of the competition were:Ke-Yao Wang, “On-chip silicon-based widely-tunable optical parametric amplification (OPA) and optical parametric oscillation (OPO) for use at telecommunications wavelengths and beyond” JHU. (Prof. Amy Foster)First Prize.Keith Petrillo, “Full 160-Gb/s OTDM to 16×10-Gb/s WDM conversion with a single nonlinear interaction”, JHU. (Prof. Mark Foster) Second Prize Tie.Yi Yang, “Experimental Demonstration of Coherent OCDMA using Heterodyne Detection”,.JHU (Prof. A. Brinton Cooper) Second Place Tie.

2013 UMD poster competition
2013 UMD poster competition