The National Capital Section and the IEEE Photonics Society jointly sponsored a poster competition at the University of Maryland. Winners of the poster competition were invited to exhibit their posters at the May meeting. Winners of the competition were:Ke-Yao Wang, “On-chip silicon-based widely-tunable optical parametric amplification (OPA) and optical parametric oscillation (OPO) for use at telecommunications wavelengths and beyond” JHU. (Prof. Amy Foster)First Prize.Keith Petrillo, “Full 160-Gb/s OTDM to 16×10-Gb/s WDM conversion with a single nonlinear interaction”, JHU. (Prof. Mark Foster) Second Prize Tie.Yi Yang, “Experimental Demonstration of Coherent OCDMA using Heterodyne Detection”,.JHU (Prof. A. Brinton Cooper) Second Place Tie.