
Dennice F. Gayme

Research Group

Current PhD Students

Current Postdocs


                                 Shuolin Xiao

Student Awards

2018: Ismail Hameduddin’s work highlighted in a June 2018 Focus on Fluids Article

2018: Chang Liu was awarded a China Scholarship Council (CSC) Scholarship

2018: Genevieve Starke wins National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship

2015:  Carl Shapiro was awarded a Creel Family Teaching Assistant award, a Mechanical Engineering departmental award recognizing the best teaching assistants in departmental courses

2014 – 2015: H. Giray Oral was awarded a Croft Fellowship from the Johns Hopkins University Energy Sustainability and Health Institute (E2SHI)

2014: Emma Tegling won the Xylem award for the best Master’s Thesis within Electrical, Mechanical, and Industrial Engineering (based on her thesis work performed at JHU)

2013: Ismail Hameduddin received a student travel grant to attend the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA, Nov. 24-26, 2013

2012 – 2013: Ismail Hameduddin was awarded the Jay. D. Samstag Fellowship from the Whiting School of Engineering

Former Students

      • Chengda Ji (joint with Prof. E. Mallada) — Current Position: Quantitative Researcher, Five Rings, New York.
      • Genevieve Starke (joint with Prof. C. Meneveau) — Current Position: Research Engineer,National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
      • Benjamin Minnick — Current Position: Mechanical Engineer, Maneuvering and Control – Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division (NSWCCD), Carderock MD
      • Chang Liu — Current position: Postdoc scholar at the University of California.
      • H. Giray Oral
      • Joel Bretheim (joint with Prof. C. Meneveau) — Current Position: Engineer at the US Naval Research Laboratory
      • Anya Castillo (DoGEE, joint with Prof. B. Hobbs) — Current Position: Senior Research & Development Systems Engineer, Sandia National Laboratories
      • Ismail Hameduddin
      • Ted Grunberg (ME) — Current Position: Ph.D. Candidate at MIT

Former Postdocs

      • Jalal Kazempour — Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lyngba
      • Vaughan Thomas — Current Position: Aerospace Research Engineer, Telephonic Systems Engineering Group, SEG Intelligence Applied

Alumni and Past Visitors

      • Mingwei Ge
      • A. Emma Tegling (née Sjödin)
      • Sonja Wogrin
