Johns Hopkins University’s Whiting School of Engineering, in partnership with the Bloomberg School of Public Health, the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and Daegu University, South Korea, has created the Center for Contaminant Transport, Fate, and Remediation (CTFR). The primary focus of this Center’s research will be on the effects of contamination in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems located in urban environments. Findings will be presented to the scientific community, government officials, the public, and the media. |
The Center will call upon the wide range of skills and knowledge from its members. Environmental, chemical, and mechanical engineers, biologists and public health experts will all play a part in meeting the goals and objectives of the CTFR. This interdisciplinary team will use a variety of new and exciting techniques to attain its objectives.
Many cities throughout the world have a long history of pollution caused by agricultural practices, mining, human waste, and heavy industry including shipbuilding, steel production, chemical production and manufacturing. This has taken its toll on the environment in the form of polluted waterways, smog filled air, and contaminated soil. People in urban environments are potentially exposed to hazardous and life endangering chemicals and pollutants. Applied research conducted by the CTFR will help find ways to reduce and/or prevent exposure to contaminants and control environmental pollution. The information gained from the CTFR’s activities will be available for use by government, communities, and individuals.