
Innovation Nexus: MCP Workshop and Celebration

Register today for the Johns Hopkins University Materials Characterization and Processing (MCP) facility’s upcoming workshop and celebration, taking place Wednesday, Sept. 25 in the Stieff Silver Building.

Under the theme of “Innovation Nexus: A Celebration of the JHU MCP and the Role of Large-Scale Facilities in Responding to Materials Science Grand Challenges,” this full-day event will include featured speakers, industry and government panelists, lunch, tours of the facility, and more.

We look forward to having you join us to learn about our groundbreaking facility and how the MCP is transforming the modern foundry for the future of materials research.

 Read Speaker Bios Here and Poster Descriptions Here

MCP Celebration and Innovation Nexus Workshop Agenda  

*Please note that this is a draft agenda and subject to change. Additional Speakers, Discussion Leaders, and Session Chairs TBA. Updated 9-20-2024. 

Time   Description   
8 to 9 a.m.    Registration and Check In 

Continental Breakfast Provided 

Opening Remarks, Welcome, and Event Overview   
9 to 9:20 a.m.    Opening Remarks 

Ron Daniels, President, Johns Hopkins University     

Ed Schlesinger, Benjamin T. Rome Dean, Whiting School of Engineering     

Welcome and Event Overview 

Mitra Taheri, Director, Materials Characterization and Processing Facility; Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University 

Welcome to the MCP and Discussion of Workshop Themes for the Next Generation Facilities in the Age of the MGI and AI-Infrastructure: Sustainability, Supply Chain Resilience, Materials Discovery and Technology Acceleration 

Morning Presentations Based on Theme:  
The Future of Materials Genome Initiative and the Role of Facilities in Realizing MGI Vision 

Session Chair 
David Elbert, Research Scientist, Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute (HEMI), Johns Hopkins University

9:25 to 9:45 a.m.  Andrew Minor, Interim Director, Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, UC Berkeley 
9:45 to 10:05 a.m.  Eric Stach, Robert D. Bent Professor of Engineering; Scientific Director, Singh Center for Nanotechnology; Director, Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania 
10:05 to 10:25 a.m.  Taylor Sparks, Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Utah; Director, ReUSE REU 
10:25 to 10:35 a.m.    Morning Coffee Break   

Morning Flash Talks and Panel Discussion Based on Theme:  

Opportunities for Academic and Federal Partnerships in Responding to Grand Technological Challenges 

10:35 to 11:45 a.m.    Panelists 

Mark Benedict, Senior Scientist, Convergent Manufacturing, Air Force Research Laboratory  

Theresa Cole, Director, Incubation Specialists, AI + Quantum, Microsoft 

Cosima Boswell-Koller, Program Director, Division of Materials Research, National Science Foundation 

Aisha Haynes, Principal Director for Advanced Materials, Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering 

Tyrel McQueen, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University  

Christopher Spadaccini, Division Leader, Materials Engineering Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 

James Warren, Director, Materials Genome Program, National Institutes of Standards and Technology 

Judith Yang, Group Leader, Electron Microscopy, Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven National Laboratory; Professor, University of Pittsburgh 

Discussion Leaders: 

Melissa Griffith, Lecturer, Technology and National Security, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University

Robert Rallo, Division Director, Advanced Computing, Mathematics, and Data Division, Pacific Northwest National Lab 

11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m.    Lunch, Demos, and Tours of MCP and Related Facilities  
Midday Presentations Based on Theme: 
Interdisciplinary, Accelerated, and Sustainable Materials Design and Manufacturing in the Age of AI and Machine Intelligence 

Session Chair 
David Shifler, Engr ’90 (MSE), ’93 (PhD), Program Officer, Office of Naval Research 

1 to 1:20 p.m.   Markus Buehler, Jerry McAfee (1940) Professor in Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Center for Materials Science and Engineering and Center for Computational Science and Engineering, MIT 
1:20 to 1:40 p.m.  Diran Apelian, Distinguished Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Irvine; Co-Founder and Board Chair, Solvus Ventures and Solvus Global; Co-Founder of Ascend Elements
1:40 to 2 p.m.  Nick Birbilis, Executive Dean, Faculty of Science, Engineering, and Built Environment, Deakin University; Honorary Professor, Australian National University 
Midday Flash Talks and Panel Discussion Based on Theme: 
The Role of AI, Agility, in Industry 4.0 and the Factories and Labs of the Future  
2:05 to 3 p.m.    Panelists

David Allen, Director of Emerging Technology and Business (US Cellular)

Carelyn Campbell, Thermodynamics and Kinetics Group Leader, Materials Science and Engineering Division, Material Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology  

Dhanush Mariappan, Technology Manager, GE Vernova Advanced Research

Jeffrey Marks, Vice President, Government and Policy Advocacy, Ericsson

Anil Sachdev, Principal Technical Fellow and Lab Group Manager General Motors Company (ret.) 

Steven Shooter, Senior Subject Matter Expert, Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office, U.S. Department of Energy  

Venkat Vedula, Executive Director, Advanced Materials & Manufacturing, RTX Technology Research Center

Johan Vermij, Senior Research Analyst, 451 Research Internet of Things, S&P Global Market Intelligence 

Joseph Zaccaria, Manager, Industry-Academia, Rockwell Automation

Discussion Leaders:

Benji Maruyama, Autonomous Materials Lead, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory

Ben Mintz, Director, Interconnected Science Ecosystem (INTERSECT), Oak Ridge National Laboratory

3 to 3:10 p.m.    Afternoon Coffee Break   
Afternoon Presentations Based on Theme:  
Landscapes for Technology Transfer and Innovation — Successes and Challenges of University-Industry-Government Partnerships

Session Chair
Timothy Rupert, Engr ’07,  07 (MSE), Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, Director, Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute (HEMI)

3:10 to 3:30 p.m.    John BurerFounder and CEO, American Center for Manufacturing & Innovation
3:30 to 3:50 p.m.  Jason Hattrick-Simpers, Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Toronto; Research Scientist, Natural Resources Canada 
3:50 to 4:10 p.m.  Isik Kizilyalli, Senior Director of Technology, Sustainability Accelerator, Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, Stanford University 
Afternoon Flash Talks and Panel Discussion Based on Theme:  
How to Cross the Valley of Death in Technology Innovation and the Future of Cross Technical Readiness Level Research 
4:15 to 5:10 p.m.    Panelists

Neil Cohen, Engr ’83, Chairman and Founder, Emerald Development Managers LP  

Emily Kinser, Program Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy, U.S. Department of Energy

Melanie Lang, Co-Founder and CEO, FormAlloy 

Ken Malone, Executive Officer, Early Charm Ventures, LLC 

David Nackashi, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Protochips, Inc. 

Bryan Reed, Chief Technology Officer, Integrated Dynamic Electron Solutions, Inc. 

Jason Sebastian, Executive Vice President, Market Operations, QuesTek Innovations LLC  

Navneet Vishwanathan, Senior Investment Associate, Squadra Ventures 

Discussion Leaders: 

Rob Carter, Director of Engineering, The Barnes Global Advisors (TBGA)

Jonah Erlebacher, Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University

Poster Session, Reception, and Tours of MCP and Related Facilities  

Session Chairs 
Kenneth Livi, A&S ’91 (MS), ’95 (PhD), Associate Research Scientist and Director of Facilities Operations, Materials Characterization Processing Facility, Johns Hopkins University      

Ian Dobbie, Reseach Professor, Department of Biology; Director, Johns Hopkins Integrated Imaging Center 

Duncan Sousa, Operations Director, Beckman Center for Cryo-EM at Johns Hopkins  

5:20 to 6:30 p.m.    Poster Session Based on Themes: 

  • MCP User Highlights 
  • Regional Science: Highlights from UMD, UMBC, Morgan State University 
  • Partnerships and Cross-Disciplinary Work 

Tours of MCP and Related Facilities