Ken Livi

Operations Director

Dr. Livi obtained his Ph.D. in Electron Microscopy and Crystallography at Johns Hopkins University in 1995. His initial focus was on Earth Materials, but has since broadened to include a wide variety of materials. Dr. Livi has edited and written several chapters on electron microscopy of minerals and is an ongoing organizer of the annual East Coast Focused Ion Beam Meetings. Dr. Livi has been an Associate Editor for the European Journal of Mineralogy. Currently, Dr. Livi’s research focuses on understanding the physical properties of biological materials, especially bone, teeth and chitin, extraterrestrial weathering of the Moon and Venus, and the application of atomic-resolution imaging of inorganic materials and their surfaces through electron microscopy (TEM, SEM, EMPA, FIB, STEM).

Dr. Livi is the Director of Operations of the Materials Characterization and Processing facility and is overseeing the design and construction of the new MCP home at the historic Stieff Silver Building at the JHU West Campus.


  • Ph.D. 1995 Electron Microscopy, Crystallography and Mineralogy.  The Johns Hopkins University.  
  • M.S. 1983 Crystallography. Stony Brook University.  
  • B.S. 1980 Earth and Planetary Sciences — Geology Concentration.  Stony Brook University.  Prof. A.E. Bence, senior thesis advisor.

Professional Experience

  • 2015-present Director of Operations.  Materials Characterization and Processing Center – Johns Hopkins University.
  • 2015-Present MCP Design and Build Out Principle – Produced initial Maryland Hall and Stieff building conceptual designs and layouts, lead of JHU “owners” team, monitor of demolition and renovation progress.
  • 2009-2015 Director.  High-Resolution Analytical Electron Microbeam (HRAEM) Facility of the Integrated Imaging Center – Johns Hopkins University.
  • 2004-2014 Associate Editor.  European Journal of Mineralogy.  
  • 1984-2009 Senior Staff Scientist.  Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences – Johns Hopkins University. Oversee the High-Resolution Analytical Electron Microbeam user facilities.
  • 1983-1984 Electron Microbeam Technician. Stony Brook University. ARL EMX microprobe and JEOL 200CX transmission electron microscope facilities