Selected peer-reviewed papers on SAFIR
The following list includes the main scientific papers that describe the general theory or validation of SAFIR by the authors. More publications are provided in the sections below.
- Franssen J.-M., Gernay T. (2017). “Modeling structures in fire with SAFIR®: Theoretical background and capabilities“. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, 8(3), 300-323
- Franssen J. M. (2005). “SAFIR: A thermal and structural program for modeling structures under fire”. Engineering Journal, 42(3), 143-158.
- Ferreira J., Gernay T., Franssen J.M. (2018). “Discussion on a systematic approach to validation of software for structures in fire“. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structures in Fire (SiF 18) (pp. 317-324), Ulster University, UK, Jun 6-8
Validation of SAFIR through DIN EN 1992-1-2 NA
List of SAFIR comparisons with tests and other software
Technical reference
Additional publications on theory, models, and validation
The following list gives additional bibliographical references of theses and scientific papers in conferences or journals that either explain the theory at the base of SAFIR or show validation studies. Only references that have the author of SAFIR in the author’s list are reported here. Other publications have been written by scientists of other research groups.
- Numerical analysis of full-scale structural fire tests on composite floor systems, Ma C, Gernay T, Fire Safety Journal, 146, 104182 (2024)
- Thermo-mechanical analysis and validation of SAFIR for historic forms of construction, Lalu O, Lennon T, Duma D, Gernay T, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Structures in Fire (SiF 24), Coimbra (2024)
- Probabilistic models for temperature-dependent compressive and tensile strengths of timber, Garcia-Castillo E, Gernay T, Paya-Zaforteza I, Journal of Structural Engineering ASCE, 149 (2): 04022239 (2023)
- Experimental investigation of structural failure during the cooling phase of a fire: Concrete columns, Gernay T, Franssen JM, Robert F, McNamee R, Felicetti R, Bamonte P, Brunkhorst S, Mohaine S, Zehfuss J., Fire Safety Journal, 134, 103691 (2022)
- Numerical modeling of localized fire exposures on structures using FDS-FEM and simple models, Yan X, Gernay T, Engineering Structures, 246, 112997 (2021)
- Probabilistic models for temperature-dependent strength of steel and concrete, Qureshi R, Ni S, Khorasani NE, Van Coile R, Hopkin D, Gernay T, Journal of Structural Engineering ASCE, 146(6): 04020102 (2020)
- Effective stress method to be used in beam finite elements to take local instabilities into account, J.M. Franssen, B. Cowez, T. Gernay, Fire Safety Science 11, Christchurch, New Zealand, IAFSS (2014), 544-557
- A multiaxial constitutive model for concrete in the fire situation: Theoretical formulation, T. Gernay, A. Millard, J.M. Franssen, Int J Solids Struct, Vol. 50 no. 22-23 (2013), 3659-3673
- Validation of the Advanced Calculation Model SAFIR Through DIN EN 1991-1-2 Procedure, R. Zaharia, T. Gernay, 10th Int. Conf. ASCCS, Singapore (2012)
- A multiaxial concrete model for applications in structural fire engineering, T. Gernay, A. Millard, 7th Int. Conf. Structures in Fire, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Fontana et al. ed. (2012), 531-540
- Effect of Transient Creep Strain Model on the Behavior of Concrete Columns Subjected to Heating and Cooling, T. Gernay, Fire Technology, Vol. 48 no. 2 (2012), 313-329
- A formulation of the Eurocode 2 concrete model at elevated temperature that includes an explicit term for transient creep, T. Gernay, J.M. Franssen, Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 51 (2012), 1-9
- Large-scale fire test of unprotected cellular beam acting in membrane action, O. Vassart, C. G. Bailey, M. Hawes, A. Nadjai, W. I. Simms, B. Zhao, T. Gernay, J.M. Franssen, Proc. ICE: Structures and Buildings, Vol. 165 no. 7 (2012), 327–334
- Numerical modelling of membrane action of composite slabs in fire situation, C. Vulcu, Th. Gernay, R. Zaharia, J.M. Franssen, 6th Int. Conf. Structures in Fire, Michigan State University, Kodur & Franssen ed. (2010), 474-483
- The unloading of building materials submitted to fire, J.-M. Franssen, Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 16, N°3 (1990), 213-227
- A comparison between five structural fire codes applied to steel elements, J.-M. Franssen, J.-B. Schleich, L.-G. Cajot, D. Talamona, B. Zhao, L. Twilt and K. Both, Fourth International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, Ottawa, (1994), 1125-1136
- Numerical simulation of a full scale fire test on a loaded steel framework, J.-M. Franssen, C.M.E. Cooke & D.J. Latham, J. Constructional Steel Research., Vol. 35 (1995), 377-407
- Residual stresses in steel profiles submitted to the fire : an analogy, J.-M. Franssen, Proc. of the 3rd CIB/W 14 FSF Workshop on Modelling, L. Twilt, editor, TNO, (1996), 103-112
- Contributions à la modélisation des incendies dans les bâtiments et de leurs effets sur les structures, J.-M. Franssen, Thèse d’agrégation de l’enseignement supérieur, Univ. de Liège, (1997), pp 484.
- Evaluation of the thermal part of the code SAFIR by comparison with the code TASEF, D. Pintea & J.-M. Franssen, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Steel Structures, Vol. 2, M. Ivan ed., MIRTON, Timisoara, (1997), 636-643
- User Manual for SAFIR A Computer Program for Analysis of Structures at Elevated Temperature Conditions, D. I. Nwosu, V. K. R. Kodur, J.-M. Franssen & J. K. Hum, National Research Council Canada, int. Report 782 (1999), pp 69
- New quadrangular shell element in SAFIR, D. TALAMONA, J.-M. FRANSSEN, Proc. 1rst int. Structures in Fire workshop, J. M. Franssen ed., Liège (2000), 195-210
- Numerical Modelling of Lateral-Torsional Buckling of Steel I-Beams under Fire Conditions – Comparison with Eurocode 3, Paulo M. M. Vila Real & Jean-Marc Franssen, J. Fire Protection Engineering, Vol. 11, N°2 (2001), 112-128
- Nonlinear Thin Shell Finite Element for Steel and Concrete Structures Subjected to Fire: Theoretical Development, Talamona D. & Franssen J.-M., J. Applied Fire Science, Baywood Publishing Company Inc., Vol. 11, N°4 (2002-2003), 291-310.
- Validation of a shell finite element for concrete and steel structures subjected to fire, D. Talamona, L. Lim & J.-M Franssen, 4th Int. Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, Londonderry, University of Ulster, 8-12 September, pp198-199 (2003)
- Heat transfer by radiation in internal cavities with a complex shape, Franssen J-M, Proc. of the SEI-SFPE conf. Designing structures for fire, Baltimore, DEStech Publ. Inc. (2003), 33-42
- Dynamic Analysis Used to Cope with Partial and Temporary Failures, Franssen J-M, Gens F, SiF’04, Structures in Fire, Proc. of the 3rd Intl Workshop, NRC-CNRC, IRC, Ottawa, Franssen, Benichou, Kodur & Sultan ed. (2004), 297-310
- Numerical modelling of two-way reinforced slabs in fire, Lim L, Buchanan A, Moss P, Franssen J-M, Engineering Structures, Elsevier, 26 (2004), 1081-1091
- Validation of a shell finite element for concrete and steel structures subjected to fire, Talamona D, Lim L. & Franssen J.-M., Fire and Explosion Hazards, Proc. 4th Int. Seminar, Bradley D. et al ed., Newtownabbey (2004), 577-588
- A Quadrangular Shell Finite Element for Concrete and Steel Structures Subjected to Fire, D. Talamona & J-M Franssen, Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, Vol. 15 (2005), 237-264
- Numerical analysis of the effect of localised fires on composite steel concrete buildings, J-M Franssen, D. Pintea & J. C. Dotreppe, 4th Int. workshop Structures in Fire, Univ. of Aveiro, Vila real et al. ed. (2006), 885-896
- 3D simulation of Industrial Hall in case of fire Benchmark between ABAQUS, ANSYS and SAFIR, Cajot L.G. & Vassart O. PROFILARBED Research, Luxembourg; O’Connor M. & Shenkai Y. Corus United Kingdom Limited; Fraud C. & Zhao B. CTICM, France; De la Quintana J. & Martinez de Aragon J. Fundacion LABEIN Spain; Franssen J.M. & Gens F, University of Liège, Belgium
Additional publications on applications
The following list gives additional bibliographical references of theses and scientific papers in conferences or journals that show results of research works undertaken with SAFIR. Only references that have the author of SAFIR in the author’s list are reported here. Other publications have been written by scientists of other research groups.
- Multi-degree-of-freedom Hybrid Fire Testing of a Column in a Non-linear Environment, Mergny E, Franssen JM, Fire Technology, 1-28 (2022)
- A performance indicator for structures under natural fire, T. Gernay, J.M. Franssen, Engineering Structures, Vol. 100 (2015), 94-103
- A plastic-damage model for concrete in fire: Applications in structural fire engineering, T. Gernay, J.M. Franssen, Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 71 (2015), 268–278
- Numerical analysis of partially fire protected composite slabs, R. Zaharia, C. Vulcu, O. Vassart, T. Gernay, J.M. Franssen, Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 14 no. 1 (2013), 21-39
- Structural Behavior of Concrete Columns under Natural Fires, T. Gernay, M.S. Dimia, Engineering Computations, Vol. 30 no. 6 (2013), 854-872
- Fire analysis of a new steel bridge, E. Tonicello, S. Desanghere, O. Vassart, J.M. Franssen, 7th Int. Conf. Structures in Fire, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Fontana et al. ed. (2012), 815-822
- Performance of Cellular composite floor beams at elevated temperatures, NADJAI, O. VASSART, F. ALI, D.TALAMONA, A. ALLAM, M. HAWES Fire Safety Journal, Volume 42, Issues 6-7, September-October 2007, Pages 489-497
- Development of a new composite cellular beam. Olivier Vassart and Louis-Guy Cajot, ArcelorMittal R&D Long Carbon, Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg, Jean-Pierre Muzeau and Hamid Bouchaïr, from Blaise Pascal University, Clermont Ferrand, France. THE SINGAPORE ENGINEER, Aug 2008
- Failure of a Tied-Arch Bridge Submitted to a Severe Localized Fire, Dotreppe J.-C., Majkut S. & Franssen J.-M., Structures and Extreme Events, IABSE Symposium Lisbon, I.A.B.S.E. (2005), 272-273
- Fire safety engineering analysis of a supermarket structure composed of cambered cellular beams, Franssen J.-M., Majkut S., Cajot L.-G. & Vassart O., EUROSTEEL 2005, 4th European Conf. on Steel and Composite Structures, Hoffmeister B. & Hechler O. ed., Aachen (2005), 137-144
- Numerical determination of 3D temperature fields in steel joints, Franssen J-M, Fire and Materials, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 28 (2004), 63-82
- Consequences of imperfect insulation – Numerical Modeling, Jean-Marc Franssen, Fire Protection Engineering Magazine, S.F.P.E., Issue No. 18 (2003), 24-33.
- Numerical modelling of a single storey industrial building at elevated temperature – comparison between the 2D and 3D analyses, V. de Souza Junior, G. J. Creus & J.-M. Franssen, MECOM 2002, First South-American Congress on Computational Mechanics, Santa Fe-Paraná, Argentina (2002), 1986-1997
- Lateral Buckling of Steel I Beams at Elevated Temperature – Comparison between the Modelling with Beam and Shell Elements, Valdenir de Souza Junior & Jean-Marc Franssen, Proc. 3rd European Conf. On Steel Structures, ISBN: 972-98376-3-5, Coïmbra, Univ. de Coïmbra, A. Lamas & L. Simoes da Silva ed. (2002), 1479-1488
- Numerical Determination of 3D temperature fields in steel joints, Jean-Marc Franssen & Luc Brauwers, Proc. 2nd int. Workshop “Structures in Fire”, Univ. of Canterbury, Christchurch, P. J. Moss ed. (2002), 1-20
- Residual load bearing capacity of structures exposed to fire, J.-M. FRANSSEN, V. KODUR, Invited paper, Proc. ASCE structures Congress, Washington DC, (2001), pp. 12
- Failure temperature of a System Comprising a Restrained Column Submitted to Fire, J.-M. Franssen, Fire Safety Journal, Vol 34 (2000), 191-207
- Application of the SAFIR Computer Program for Evaluating Fire Resistance, V. K. R. Kodur, D. I. Nwosu, M. A. Sultan and J.-M. Franssen, Proc. Third Int. Conf. on Fire Research and Engineering, SFPE-NIST-IAFSS, Chicago, (1999), 287-295
- Design and Tests of Prestressed Concrete Beams, J.-M. Franssen & A. Bruls, Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Fire Safety Science, Melbourne, IAFSS, Hasemi ed., Tsukuba, (1997), 1081-1092
- SAFIR applied to prestressed beams at ambient temperature, J.-M. Franssen, External Prestressing in Structures. Non-Linear Calculation Tests of Prestressed Beams, Association Française pour la Construction, (1993), 67-73
- J.M. Franssen and R. Zaharia, Design of Steel Structures subjected to Fire