abstract = {As we listen to everyday sounds, auditory perception is heavily shaped by interactions between acoustic attributes such as pitch, timbre and intensity; though it is not clear how such interactions affect judgments of acoustic salience in dynamic soundscapes. Salience perception is believed to rely on an internal brain model that tracks the evolution of acoustic characteristics of a scene and flags events that do not fit this model as salient. The current study explores how the interdependency between attributes of dynamic scenes affects the neural representation of this internal model and shapes encoding of salient events. Specifically, the study examines how deviations along combinations of acoustic attributes interact to modulate brain responses, and subsequently guide perception of certain sound events as salient given their context. Human volunteers have their attention focused on a visual task and ignore acoustic melodies playing in the background while their brain activity using electroencephalography is recorded. Ambient sounds consist of musical melodies with probabilistically-varying acoustic attributes. Salient notes embedded in these scenes deviate from the melody's statistical distribution along pitch, timbre and/or intensity. Recordings of brain responses to salient notes reveal that neural power in response to the melodic rhythm as well as cross-trial phase alignment in the theta band are modulated by degree of salience of the notes, estimated across all acoustic attributes given their probabilistic context. These neural nonlinear effects across attributes strongly parallel behavioral nonlinear interactions observed in perceptual judgments of auditory salience using similar dynamic melodies; suggesting a neural underpinning of nonlinear interactions that underlie salience perception.},
author = {Kaya, Emine Merve and Huang, Nicolas and Elhilali, Mounya},
doi = {10.1016/j.neuroscience.2020.05.018},
issn = {03064522},
journal = {Neuroscience},
pages = {1--14},
title = {{Pitch, Timbre and Intensity Interdependently Modulate Neural Responses to Salient Sounds}},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306452220303092?via{\%}3Dihub https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0306452220303092},
volume = {440},
year = {2020}