The Advisory Committee (AC) consists of representatives from industry, academia, government and research organizations, including JHU alumni, that bring specific experiences, knowledge, skills, or resources that can aid the department in fulfilling its mission.
Alton B. (Buddy) Cleveland, Jr.
Sr. Vice President & General Manager, Bentley Systems, Inc.
George Deodatis, PhD
Santiago and Robertina Calatrava Family Professor of Civil Engineering, Columbia University
Carol Hayek, PhD, MBA
Chief Technical Officer, CCL International
Carl Liggio, Jr., PhD
Managing Partner, Pharos Enterprise Intelligence, LLC
Matthew McCarty
Senior Project Manager, Marine Division, McLaren Engineering Group
Edmund P. Meade, PE
Principal & Director of Preservation, Robert Silman Associates, P.C. Structural Engineers
Craig Schwitter
Senior Partner, Chair of the Global Board, Buro Happold
Niklas Vigener
Senior Principal, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc.